I have an array of values. I want to check the key 0 or any other key-value exists in an array or not. How to check this.
The function array_key_exists() checks an array for a specified key. The output of this function is true or false. If the key-value exists, then it returns true. Else returns false.
<?php $array=array("value1","value2"); if(array_key_exists(0, $array)){ echo "Key value exists"; }else{ echo "Key not exists"; } ?>0 0
The array_key_exists() function is used to check whether a specified key is present in an array or not.
array_key_exists(array_key, name_of_array)
Program to checkmark of Sandeep using array_key_exists
<?php $array=array("Ashok" => 50, "John" => 70, "Mathew" => 100); if (array_key_exists("Ashok",$array)){ echo "Array key exists"; }else{ echo "Array key not exists"; } ?>0 0
<?php $search_array = array('no_1' => 1, 'no_2' => 2,'no_3' => 3); if (array_key_exists('no_1', $search_array)) { echo "The 'no_1' element is in the array"; }else{ echo "Key element no_1 not exists"; } ?>0 0
Using 2 methods in PHP, We can check a key exist in an array in PHP
Using array_key_exists() method:
The array_key_exists() function checks whether an index or key is present inside an array or not.
array("America", "Europe", "UAE"), 'country_rank' => array('1', '2', '3') ); // Use of array_key_exists() function if(array_key_exists("country_rank", $array)) { echo "Key Exists"; } else{ echo "Key Not exist"; } ?>
Using isset() Method:
This function is used to check whether a key or index exists inside an array or not.
array("America", "Europe", "UAE"), 'country_rank' => array('1', '2', '3') ); // Use of array_key_exists() function if(isset($array["country_rank"])){ echo "Key Exists"; }else{ echo "Key Not Exists"; } ?>0 0
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