Top 10 Jquery Interview Questions And Answers
What is JQuery?
- Jquery is a well-written javascript code and is not a programming language.
- Jquery seems to be more popular.
What are the features of the Jquery Library?
- HTML event methods
- CSS Manipulation
- Ajax using Jquery
- HTML/DOM manipulation
- Jquery has plugins for almost tasks
What are the advantages of Jquery?
- Very good documentation for third party library
- lightweight when compared to other frameworks
- Many plugins available for various specific needs
Is jquery is a Javascript or JSON library file?
- Jquery is said to be a single javascript file.
- Jquery is a library of the javascript file which contains features like HTML/DOM manipulation, CSS Manipulation, HTML event methods, etc.
What are the operating systems more compatible with jquery?
What are Jquery selectors?
- Jquery selectors are used to selecting and manipulate HTML Elements
Element selector:
- It selects based on the element name.
- $("p") => Select all p elements in the page
Id selector:
- It selects elements based on the id.
- $("#id_test") => Select the element containg the id 'id_test'
class selector
- Find elements with specific class name
- $(".class_test")
What are the methods used to provide effects in Jquery?
- Show()
- Hide()
- FadeIn()
- FadeOut()
- Toggle()
What are the events in Jquery?
- An event represents a moment when something happens.
- Examples:
- Selecting the radio button
- Selecting an element
- Moving the mouse over the element
- Mouse events: click, dblclick, mouseenter, mouseleave.
- Keyboard Events: keyup, keydown, keypress.
- Document or Window Events: unload, scroll, load, resize.
- Form Events: submit, focus, change, blur.
Is jquery a server-side scripting or client-side scripting?
Jquery is client-side scripting.
Which are the fastest selector in Jquery?