About Us

Texinterest main mission is to share and learn with the world. Texinterest gives user an opportunity to add their notes/articles about anything related to any subjects and user can also share their views or notes or articles. It's your text your way. The key of this website is to connect people who have knowledge to the person who needs it. Thus in this online platform You can be a reader, a writer and a problem solver.

By using this website, you should confirm that you have read and understood the terms of service and privacy policy. You should also confirm that how we use your posted data and the information. If you do not want to process your data or information, we are giving option to set your data as private or public. If you set your data as public, it can access anyone. Like and comment can give to private posts from the user or admin.

By using this website, you acknowledge that Texinterest will use your information in India and as well as any country where texinterest operates. Be aware about the privacy laws and standards in each country, including how they access your personal information. The way of using privacy laws is different in different countries. We will ensure that your personal information such as daily activities, followers list is safe and we will not expose to the outside world.

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