Top OOPS Interview Questions and Answers (2024)

Last Updated : 03 Sep, 2024 - prepared by name

OOPs, abbreviated as Object-oriented programming, are considered a collection of objects that are instances of classes to design and organize code. They revolve around the concepts of Data abstraction, Inheritance, Encapsulation, and polymorphism.

1. What are the benefits of OOP?

  •     Inheritance can eliminate the redundant code and extend the use of existing classes.
  •     The complexity of software can be easily managed
  •     It is easy to partition the work in a project based on objects.
  •     OOPs can easily upgraded from small to large systems.
  •     The principle of data hiding helps programmers build secure programs. 
  •     It helps to save development time and higher Authority
  •     New data and functions can be easily added
  •     The principle of data hiding helps build secure programs that cannot be invaded by code in other parts of the program.
  •     Object-oriented systems are easy to upgrade.

2. What is the need for OOP?

The need for OOP is due to the following issues:

  • To ensure the reusability and extensibility of modules.
  • To design a system with an open interface.
  • To manage time schedule.
  • To improve software productivity and decrease cost.
  • To industrialize the software development process.
  • To represent real-life entities and problems in system design.
  • To improve the quality of the software.
  • To develop modules that are tolerant of any changes in the future 

3. What are the basic principles of OOP?

The basic principles of the class include

  • Classes
  • Objects
  • Data Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Message Passing
  • Dynamic binding

4. What is the need for OOP?

The major motivation factor in the invention of the object-oriented approach is to overcome the following problems and some of the flows encountered in the procedure-oriented approach. The problems are:

  •   To design a system with an open interface.
  •   To manage time schedule.
  •   To improve the quality of the software.
  •   To ensure the reusability and extensibility of modules.
  •   To represent real-life entities and problems in system design.
  •   To improve software productivity and decrease cost.
  •   To industrialize the software development process
  •   To develop modules that are tolerant of any changes in the future

5. What is Data Abstraction?

-Data Abstraction refers to representing essential features without including the background explanation or the details. Classes use the concept of Abstraction.

-Abstraction means showing only required things and hiding the background details.

6. What is Data Encapsulation?

Wrapping of Data members and member functions into a single unit (called class) is known as Encapsulation.

7. What is a Class?

A class is like a template or blueprint defining the object type. It encapsulates Data members (Attributes) or Member functions into a single unit. 

8. What is an Object?

The object is a blueprint of Class. It has its state, behavior, and identity.

9. What is the difference between Procedure Oriented Programming and Object Oriented Programming?

Program is divided into small parts called objects - Program is divided into small parts called functions. Program is divided into small parts called objects - Program is divided into small parts called functions.
OOP follows the Bottom-up approach - POP follows the Top-down approach OOP follows the Bottom-up approach - POP follows the Top-down approach
OOP has no access to the specifier POP has access specifier - Private, public, and protected
Overloading is not possible - Overloading is possible Overloading is not possible - Overloading is possible
  • Program is divided into small parts called objects - Program is divided into small parts called functions
  • OOP follows the Bottom-up approach - POP follows the Top-down approach
  • OOP has no access specifier - POP has access specifier - Private, public and protected
  • Add data and functions in pop is not simple - OOP Provides an eazy way to add data members and member functions
  • Overloading is not possible - Overloading is possible
  • Examples of OOP - C, FORTRAN, VB - Examples of pop - C++, Pascal, Java, VB.NE

10. What are the most popular OOP Programming Languages?

The most popular object-oriented programming languages include:

  • C++
  • Java.
  • Smalltalk
  • Ruby
  • Delphi
  • Simula.
  • Charm++
  • Eiffle.

11. What are the Applications of the OOP?

The promising applications of OOPs include:

  • Object-oriented databases.
  • Real-Time systems
  • Al and expert systems.
  • Neural networks and parallel programming.
  • CIM / CAM / CAD system.
  • Simulation and modeling
  • Decision support and office automation systems.
  • Hypertext, hypermedia
  • Image Processing
  • Computer Aided Teaching
  • Distributed Computing and Applications
  • Computer Assisted Concurrent Engineering
  • Data Warehouse and Data Mining
  • Parallel Computing
  • Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Database Management Systems
  • Web-based Applications
  • Component-based Applications
  • Data security and management
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Mobile Computing
  • Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
  • Intelligent Systems
  • Business Process Re-engineering

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