push(): Increases the length of an array by one or more elements and returns the new array length.
pop(): Takes the last element out of an array and gives it back.
shift() moves all ensuing elements to a lower index by removing the initial element from an array and returning it.
unshift(): Increases the length of an array by one or more elements and returns the new array length.
concat() creates a new array by combining two or more arrays without changing the original arrays.
slice(): Without changing the original array, this function takes a portion of an array and returns a new array.
splice(): Modifies an array's contents by inserting new elements in lieu of or deleting old ones.
these are some of them
Different types of Array methods?
1. Manipulation Methods:
push(), pop(),shift(), slice(), etc.
2. Searching and Sorting Methods:
sort(), find(),indexof(), etc.
3. Conversion Methods:
join(), concat(),tostring()
4. Iteration Methods:
foreach(), map(), filter(), etc.
5. Utility Methods:
push(): used to add more elements to the end of an array
pop(): used to take out the last elements from an array
shift(): it is used to take out the first element from an array.
unshift(): adding more elements at the beginning of an array.
splice(): add or remove an element from a specific index in an array.
slice(): takes a part of an array and gives you a new array with just that part.
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