Waiting Answer November 14, 2023

Email ID Validation in JavaScript Not Working

I tried to add email ID validation in Javascript using regular expression. But the alert is not working. Is there any other method to Validate Javascript without using regular expressions? 



2023-11-23 02:55:34

There may be many reasons that the email ID validation in Javascript is not working. Here are a few reasons to check:

1. Logical problems in Handling errors properly
2. Incorrect regular expression that you handled
3. You are not applying the regular expression properly.

But in your code, I think your regular expression is correct. 

     const regx = /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/;

After the above code, you should validate this

        alert("Email is Valid");
        alert("Email is Invalid");

2023-11-23 03:02:38

The following is the right method to validate the Email Address. Use your logic like this,


2024-01-25 12:42:08

Certainly! You can validate email addresses in JavaScript without relying on regular expressions by leveraging alternative approaches such as syntax validation, DNS lookup, and SMTP verification . Here’s a simple example of how to validate an email address using JavaScript without a regular expression:


function testEmailAddress(emailToTest) {
  // check for @
  var atSymbol = emailToTest.indexOf("@");
  if (atSymbol < 1) return false;

  var dot = emailToTest.indexOf(".");
  if (dot <= atSymbol + 2) return false;

  // check that the dot is not at the end
  if (dot === emailToTest.length - 1) return false;

  return true;

This function satisfies all the rules you stated as well as not allowing @ to start the address and not allowing . to end the address. It does not account for multiple . in the address .

Alternatively, you can use the following JavaScript function to validate an email address without using regular expressions:

function validateEmailAddress(email) {
  var at = email.indexOf("@");
  var dot = email.lastIndexOf(".");
  return (
    email.length > 0 &&
    at > 0 &&
    dot > at + 1 &&
    dot < email.length &&
    email[at + 1] !== "." &&
    email.indexOf(" ") === -1 &&
    email.indexOf("..") === -1

This function checks the validity of an email address without using regular expressions. It utilizes basic string manipulation and comparison methods to validate the email format