*REST (Representational State Transfer):*
1. *Architecture:* REST is an architectural style.
2. *Protocol:* It uses standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for communication.
3. *Data Format:* Commonly uses lightweight data formats like JSON.
4. *Stateless:* Each request from a client to a server must contain all the information needed to understand and fulfill the request.
5. *Flexibility:* More flexible, suitable for mobile and web applications.
6. *Overhead:* Generally has less overhead and is simpler to implement.
*SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol):*
1. *Protocol:* SOAP is a protocol.
2. *Communication:* Uses XML for message format and can be carried over a variety of protocols, not limited to HTTP.
3. *Standards:* Strict standards, more rigid in structure.
4. *Stateful:* Can maintain a stateful session.
5. *Complexity:* Typically more complex than REST.
6. *Security:* Has built-in security features and standards.
In summary, REST is more lightweight, uses standard HTTP methods, and is commonly preferred for simpler applications, while SOAP is a more rigid protocol that can be used in complex scenarios requiring a high level of security and ACID compliance. REST is often favored for its simplicity, while SOAP is chosen when strict standards and a more structured approach are necessary.