Waiting Answer November 05, 2023

var, let and const keywords in JavaScript - Difference between them

2023-11-10 12:30:07

- *`let`:*
  - Allows you to reassign values.
  - Can be declared without an initial value.
  - Good for variables that might change.

- *`const`:*
  - Does not allow reassignment after the initial value is set.
  - Must be assigned a value when declared.
  - Ideal for variables that should remain constant.

2023-11-10 12:31:01

In simple terms:

- let:
  - You can change the value after declaring it.
  - You can declare it without giving it a value initially.

- const:
  - Once you give it a value, you can't change it.
  - You must give it a value when you declare it.

So, use `let` if you might change the value later, and use `const` if you don't plan on changing it.

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