
HTML5 Standards

  • HTML5 is the latest version of HTML.
  • HTML5 includes HTML (Markup Language), CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) and Javascript(Programming language executed by the browser)
  • HTML5 is still under development.
  • Two HTML standards decide how the HTML is updated, behave and revised
    • World wide web consortium (W3C)
    • Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group(WHATWG)

World wide web consortium (W3C)

  • W3C is the main international standard organization for the worldwide web.
  • W3C makes the HTML standards.
  • W3C standards are ahead of browsers.
  • It was founded and led by Tim Berners-Lee.

Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group(WHATWG)

  • It is the community of organizations or peoples interested in evolving HTML and related technologies such as opera software, Mozilla, Apple, etc.
  • They began work on the new standard in 2004.
  • In 2006 W3C showed an interest in HTML5 and 2007 they created a working group to work in the HTML5 project.

Some HTML History

  • Late 1980's - Tim Berners Lee invented the www.
  • 1991 - Html First Published
  • 1995 - HTML 2.0
  • 1997 - HTML 3.2
  • 1999 - HTML 4.01. After HTML 4.01 was released, the facus was shifted to XHTML first version and its stricter standards.
  • 2000 - XHTML 1.0, An XML version of HTML 4.01
  • 2001 - XHTML 1.1, Modularization
  • 2002 - XHTML 2.0, Simplified and generalize
  • 2012 - HTML 5 (HTML 5 was officially launched in 2012)