HTML5 Application Development
- In this section, we are discussing the basics foundation and aspects of HTML5 Application Development.
- Fundamental concepts HTML5, Cascading style sheets and Javascript.
Course Overview
- Microsoft and MTA Certifications
- Target Audience
- HTML5 Standards
- Anatomy of an HTML 5 App
- Tools needed.
- Getting Tools.
- HTML5 Basics
- Attributes, Entities, and Doctype
- Working with Text
- Images and Graphics
- Canvas and SVG
- HTML5 Media - Video and Audio
- Semantic HTML
- HTML5 tables
- Input forms and Validation
- CSS Basics
- CSS Positioning
- Inline and Block Flow
- CSS Tools
- CSS Layouts
- Flexbox and Grid
- CSS Graphics
- Javascript Basics
- Jquery Basics
- Animations
- Application Lifecycle
- Understanding Packaging
- Credentials and Permission sets