C Character Set and Tokens
Character Set
- It is a set of valid characters that are recognized by the C++ language. They are, Letters: A-Z, a-z.
- Digits: 0-9.
- Special characters: ~! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + / : , . ; ’ ” = < > ? { } [ ] |
- White spaces
- Other characters: Non graphic characters (Back space,Horizontal tab, Carriage return) and ASCII characters.
- They are the smallest individual units of a programming language.
- It is the same as words in English and other languages.
- keywords
- Identifiers
- Literals
- Punctuators
- Operators
- They are reserved words for C language, which are used for special purposes.
- There are 48 keywords. They are,
auto |
double |
int |
struct |
break |
else |
long |
switch |
case |
enum |
register |
typedef |
char |
extern |
return |
union |
const |
float |
short |
unsigned |
continue |
for |
signed |
void |
default |
goto |
sizeof |
volatile |
do |
if |
static |
while |
- It includes letters and digits used to identify memory locations (variables), or naming a function, labels etc.
- So they should follow the rules given below.
- It should be unique but not a keyword
- The first letter should be an alphabet
- White space, symbols, special characters are not allowed
- Underscore can use ( _ )
- Uppercase and lowercase letters are evaluated differently
- They represent data items that never change their values during a program run.
- They are also called constants.
- They may be numeric literals, character literals, string literal and escape sequence.
- Numeric literals: It may be an integer or floating literals. (125, 9876.3455)
- Character literals: They are a single character enclosed in single quotes. (‘d’,‘s’).
- String constants: It is a group of characters enclosed in double-quotes. (“Haritha”, “Good Batch”)
- Nongraphic characters: Backspace, Horizontal tab, Carriage return are represented by using escape sequences, which consist of a backslash () followed by one or more characters.
- They are symbols used as punctuation marks in the syntax of various codes and as separators to enhance program readability.
- They are, parentheses ( ), brackets [ ], braces { } , ; : * = # (Preprocessor directive).
They are symbols that are used in operations such as input, output, computation, assignment etc. + - * / % << >> ++ etc are some examples.