Top Javascript Interview Questions and Answers (2024)

Last Updated : 03 Sep, 2024 - prepared by name

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JavaScript is a web programming language. It is one of the web's core languages, along with HTML and CSS. While HTML defines the content and structure of the page, CSS defines how the elements are displayed, and JavaScript defines how the elements on the webpage behave on the web and facilitates user interaction.

Javascript is a must-have skill for anyone wanting a web development career. Here are some JavaScript Interview questions and answers that any fresher or experienced developer should know when attending an interview. 

1. What is the difference between let, var and const?

  • The let keyword was introduced in ES6
  • let cannot be redeclared, whereas var can be declared
  • With Let, you cannot do this:

                 let name = "Ashok";
                 let name = 0;

  • Whereas using var, you can do like this:

                 var name = "Ashok";
                 var name = 0;

  • But redeclaring a variable inside a block can also impose problems
  • For Eg,
     var name = "Ashok"; // The value of name is Ashok
         var name = "Biju" // The value of name is Ashok

     // The value of name is Biju
  • let and const can not be redeclared. Whereas var can be redeclared
  • Let is used in loops and conditionals.

2. What are the new features of Javascript ES6?

The new features in Javascript enhance code readability, maintainability and performance.

Here are the new features of Javascript ES6:

  • Arrow Functions: Concise syntax for writing functions.
  • Promises: Simplify asynchronous programming.
  • Template Literals: Dynamic strings using backticks 
  • let & const: Block-scoped variable declarations for better control.
  • Default Parameters: Set default values in functions.
  • Spread & Rest Operators: Expand or collect elements with `...`.
  • Destructuring: Extract values from arrays or objects easily.
  • Classes: Cleaner syntax for creating objects and inheritance.
  • Enhanced Object Literals: Shorthand properties and methods.
  • Modules: Import/export functionality between files.

3. List some string methods in Javascript

  • Length
  • Slice
  • Replace
  • Upper and Lower Case
  • Contact
  • Trim
  • Char At
  • Split

4. How do you shorthand this code?

     let newName;
     if( name ){
         newName = name;
         newName = 'Default';


           const newName = name || 'Default';

Challenge Yourself: Take the Ultimate Quiz!

1. Which CSS property is used to change text color?

2. Which language is used for web development?

3. What does HTML stand for?

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What skills do I need before starting the Full Stack Internship?
It is recommended that applicants have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Familiarity with a backend language like Node.js or Python and a database such as MongoDB or SQL will be beneficial, but not required.
Will I receive a certificate upon completion of the internship?
Yes, a certificate of completion will be awarded to all interns who successfully complete the program and meet the requirements.
What kind of projects will I work on during the Full Stack Internship?
Interns will work on real-world projects involving both frontend and backend development. This includes tasks like building user interfaces, developing APIs, and managing databases to give a comprehensive understanding of full stack development.