Fascinating facts about India
- India is the one of the powerful and informational country in the world.
- India is seventh largest country in the world.
- India is a part of Asia sharing the borders with shares its borders with Pakistan, Bhutan, China, Burma, Nepal and Bangladesh.
- India is second most populated country in the world.
- India is located in south asia.
- Hindi and english are the official languages of india
- The primary religin in india is Hinduism.
- Major four religions originated in India - Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism.
- The flag of india comprises orange, white and green stripes that has 24 spokes on it.
- The currency name of india is Indian Rupee.
- India experiences Mansoon season in each year.
- The official national symbol of india is Bengal Tiger.
- India is the largest exporter of product in the world.
- India produces most of the tea in the world.