Basic And Intermediate Commands For Linux
- pwd: To know which directory you are, you can use this command
- ls: List all the files in the directory
- cd: To go to a particular directory. Eg. cd directory_name
- mkdir: To make a directory or folder
- rmdir: To delete an empty directory
- rm: Used to delete files and directories. rm command deletes both files and directories
- rm-r: To delete just the directory
- touch: touch command is used to create a directory. touch filename.txt
- man: It shows the manual pages of the command. man command can be used to know more about the command and how to use, man cd
- cp: To copy files through command line
- ls directory_name
- cp file_name directory_name
- ls directory_name
- locate: This command is used for locating a file in a directory or folder
- echo: echo is used to move data especially transfer text data to a file. eg., echo hello, my name is tex >> new_file.txt
- cat: the cat is used to display the contents of the file. Eg., cat display.txt
- vi and nano: vi and nano are installed text editors in the Linux command line. nano denotes keywords with can create a new file using nano. If you want to create a new file using nano, just type nano new_file.txt.
- sudo: sudo stands for super user do. If you want to do anything with root privileges, you can use sudo command. For set a root password you can use the command 'su'
- df: df command is used to see available disk space in each partition
- df -m: df -m command is used for showing disk available space in megabytes
- du: du command is used for disk usage of a file in your system.
- tar: tar command is used with tarballs. That means a file compressed using tarball archive
It can be used for compress and uncompress tar achieves (types include .tar, .tar.gz, etc.)
- zip: Zip to compress files into a zip archive.
- unzip: Extract files from a unzip archive.
- uname: Information about the system running. In includes release date of the kernel, version, processor type, etc.