C Programming Language

Introduction to C Programming

The program is a sequence of instructions given to a computer to be executed to perform the desired task. C is a general-purpose language that has been closely associated with the UNIX operating system for which it was developed - since the system and most of the programs that run it are written in C.


Structure of a C Program

Basically the structure of a C program consist of four modules. They are Preprocessor Directives (Includes, Macros), Global declarations (Functions, Variables..), Main function (Program execution start here..), User defined functions (Option to the user).


C Character Set and Tokens

It is a set of valid characters that are recognized by the C language. Tokens are the smallest individual units of a programming language. Keywords are reserved words for C language, which are used for special purposes. Identifiers include letters and digits.


Variables in C Programming

A variable can be defined as a memory location declared to store any kind of data (which may change many times during program execution). It can also be defined as any quantity/entity which may vary during program execution. Variables are the identiifiers


Data Types in C

Data types determines the type of data a variable can hold. Data types are the means to identify the type of data and associated operations of handling it.


Type conversion in C Programming

Type conversion is the process of converting predefined datatypes into another datatypes in a particular expression. Type conversion is used when constants and variables of different datatypes are mixed in an expression, inorder for getting the correct re


Iteration Statements (Loop Statements)

Iteration statements are also called loop statements. Iteration or loop allows a set of instructions to be executed repeatedly based on some condition. The statements which appear in the source code only once but execute many times, such kind of statements are called loops.


While loop in C

The loop body in the while loop executes as long as the test expression is true. It is also an entry controlled loop. The working of while loop is the same as that of for loop. Here initialization expression will be placed before the while statement. Then evaluate test expression. If it is true loop body and updating expression are executes.


DO WHILE LOOP in C Programming

Do while loops are useful for things that want to loop at least once. The do while statement is used less often than the other structured loop statements (for and while). It is an exit controlled loop.


Switch Statement in C

If a programmer has to choose one block of statement among many alternatives, this type of problem can be handled in C programming using the switch statement. When a number of actions are to be taken based on a number of different conditions, the switch statement is the better selection statement.


Arrays in C Programming

Array refers to a named list of a finite number of similar data elements. An array is a collection of the same type of data referenced by a common name. It is a collection of contiguous memory locations referenced by a common name. An array is a sequence of the data item of homogeneous value(same type).


Two Dimensional Arrays in C Programming

A Two-dimensional array is in the form of matrics, which contains rows and columns. A Two-dimensional array is in the form of matrics, which contains rows and columns. A 2D array a[m][n] is a table with m rows and n columns. It contains m x n elements. Row index starts from 0 to m-1 and column size starts from 0 to n-1.


Before Beginning Of Programming, Why C First? And Why Programming And Programmers

Before the beginning of programming, you should understand why c programming is learning. Here I explain to you a simple real-life example. As a driver, the driver is not required to know the working of an automobile. But as an Automobile Mechanic, you should know each and every part of your vehicle, how these parts are interconnected.


printf() and scanf() function in C Programming

printf() and scanf() are the library functions defined in stdio.h header file. if we are using printf and scanf in our program we should use stdio.h header file. printf() function is used to print the �character, string, float, integer, octal and hexadec


DO WHILE LOOP In C Programming

Do while loops are useful for things that want to loop at least once. The do while statement is used less often than the other structured loop statements (for and while). It is an exit controlled loop.


Advantages Or Benefits Of C Over Other Programming Languages

C Programming language is a basis for many other programming languages such as C++, C#, Objective C, C-shell, Go, PHP, etc. C Programming language is a middle-level programming language. As a middle-level language, it combines both the features of low level and high-level programming languages.


Switch Statement In C Programming

If a programmer has to choose one block of statement among many alternatives,this type of problem can be handled in C programming using switch statement. When a number of actions are to be taken based on a number of different conditions, switch statement is the better selection statement.



A file is a place on disk, where group of related data is stored. Two different types of data files exist in C. Stream-oriented(standard) data files and System-oriented(Low-level) data files. Stream oriented data files are of two types Data files comprising of consecutive charecters. Unformatted data files.


Break Statement In C

To exit a group based on a condition, you can use break statement. The break statement terminates the execution of the nearest enclosing do, for, switch, or while statement in which it appears. Control passes to the statement that follows the terminated statement.


Continue Statement in C

It is desirable to skip some statements inside the loop. In such cases continue statement is used. It is desirable to skip some statements inside the loop. In such cases continue statement is used.


Return Statement in C

retun statement is also a jump statement. The return statement terminates the execution of a function and returns control to the calling function. The return statement terminates the execution of a function and returns control to the calling function.


Structures in C

A structure is a data structure, where individual elements can be of different data types. A single structure may contain data elements of different types, ie it is possible that a single structure to contain integer elements,floating point elements, charecter elements etc. A structure combines logically related data items into a sngle unit.



UNIONS like structures contain members whose individual data types may vary. The syntax of UNION is similar to structure. There is a major distinction between structure and union in terms of storage. ie, in structure each member has its own storage location,whereas all the members of the union use the same location.


Parameter passing techniques

Types of parameters: Actual parameters and Formal parameters. The parameters appeared in the function call statements are called Actual parameters. The parameters appeared in the function definition statements are called formal parameters.


Scope rules and functions in C

A scope in any programming is a part of the program where a defined variable can have access to whole the program or inside the main function or user defined function. Scope rule define the ability to access them in a program - Local Variable and Global Variable


Operators in C

The tokens that trigger some kind of operations are called operators. An operation requires operator and operands (s). Operands are the data on which the specified task is carried out. They are classified in to three according to its operands. Unary (with one operand), Binary (with two operands), Ternary (with three operands)