Different Ways to Say Good Morning
Ways to Say Good Morning - Good morning, Sleeping beauty!, Morning!, Morning, good looking!, Rise and shine!, Wakey-wakey!
Another Way to Say For Example
Another Way to Say For Example: like, Also, In addition to, Thse include…, This is illustrated…, To illustrate, As seen in…, As a case in point, For instance, Let’s say…, As an example being…
Different Ways to Say I’M TIRED
Different Ways to Say I’M TIRED - I’m bushed, I’m exhausted, I’m sleepy, I’m flat out tired, I’m tired to the bone, I’m running on fumes, I’m running on empty, I’m dragging
Different Ways to Say OH MY GOD!
Ways to Say OH MY GOD!-Heavens to Betsy!, Oh Jesus!, Holy crap, Blimey!, Oh boy!, For the love of God!
Different Ways to Say I DON’T LIKE IT
Ways to Say I DON’T LIKE IT - I’m not crazy about it, That’s not for me, I’m not into it, I loathe it, I’ve had enough, I don’t appreciate it, I’II pass, I am not a big fan of it, I can’t stand it.
Different Ways to Say HOW ARE YOU?
Ways to Say HOW ARE YOU? What’s new? How’s everything? What’s happening? What’sgoing on? How are you holding up? How’s it going?
Different Ways to Say HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Have a great one!, I hope you have a fantastic day, Congratulations on another year of skillful death evasion!, May you birthday be filled with laughter!, Many happy returns of the day!
Different Ways To Say YES
Ways To Say YES: Exactly!, No problem, Willingly, As you wish!, Yes, what can I do for you?, Absolutely, Sure I can!, Undoubtedly!, Cool!, Brilliant!, You bet
List of Adjectives: Learn 100 Useful Adjectives in English
Learn 100 Useful Adjectives in English: disturbed, hollow, intrigued, frothy, fuzzy, fresh, aloof, happy, upset, large
Positive words to inspire your day
Positive words to inspire your day. Positive Words | Set 1: Skillful, Celebrated,Progress,Agree,Effective,Artistic,Energetic,Committed,Perfect,Soulful,Surprising,Funny,Stunning,Friendly,Spirited,Fabulous
Spelling rules in simple present
Spelling rules in simple present. We add es to the verbs ending with ch, sh, x, o. teach => teaches, wash => washes, kiss => kisses, fix => fixes, go => goes
Present Continuous Tense (Present Progressive Tense)
Present Continuous Tense (Present Progressive Tense). Usage of Present Progressive Tense. Something happens at the same time, For changing the situations, For expressing time at the moment of speaking
Way's to Say I'm Hungry - Athirst, Avid, I’m puckish, Carnivorous, I’m famished, Could eat a horse, I’ve got the munchies, My stomach is growling, I need food, I’m starving, I could eat a scabby horse.
Sentence is a set of words that is complete in itself. Sentence is divided into three types - Simple sentence, Compound sentence and Complex sentence. A sentence having only one main clause.
Simple words: Words which have a complete meaning. Compound Words: Compounds words are made up two simple words.
Simple Words : Words which have a complete meaning. E.g: Active, Strong, Warning, etc. Compound Words: Compounds words are made up two simple words. E.g : Breakfast, outlaw, Rainbow, etc.
It is used to refer to nouns mentioned previously. It is used to combine/join two sentences. who,whose,which,whom,that,what,where and when are the most commom relative pronouns. Who,Whose and whom are used to indicate persons(male/female).
16 Tenses in English - Simple Present, Present Progressive, Simple Past, Past Progressive, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Progressive,Past Perfect, Past Perfect Progressive, Future - will, Future - Going to, Future Progressive, Future Perfect, Conditional Simple
Learning a language does not mean that we should speak it kindly. If you want to use language decent and attractive, you should learn the language and customs of that language. Let us discuss the important formalities and manners of the English language.
Small Sentences In English - At night, At first, At last, At present, At times, As usual, At the the back of, A lot of, Atleast, Anything else All day, By the by
A noun is often called a noun phrase. A noun phrase can be a single-word noun or usually longer than a single word. Example: Students love their parents(noun phrase: students), A good student loves his friends(noun phrase: A good student)
Nouns that can be counted are called countable nouns. Example: a pencil, a pen, a book, three pencils. Uncountable nouns are the nouns that cannot be counted. Eg., one water, milk.
The goal of this section is to teach you the different ways to say "Hello and Good Bye" and it can be use in many different situations. Some phrases are indicated especially as "formal" or "informal". The phrases selected for this section are typical expressions used by native speakers.
The goal of this section is to teach you the different Informal ways to say "yes" and "no" and it can be used in many different situations. The phrases selected for this section are typical expressions used by native speakers.
The goal of this section is to teach you the Different ways to ask how someone is and it can be use in many different situations. The phrases selected for this section are typical expressions used by native speakers.
The goal of this section is to teach you the Different ways to say "Thank you" and it can be used in many different situations. The phrases selected for this section are typical expressions used by native speakers.
The goal of this section is to teach you the Different ways to show interest and it can be used in many different situations. The phrases selected for this section are typical expressions used by native speakers.
The goal of this section is to teach you the Different phrases for the introduction and it can be used in many different situations. The phrases selected for this section are typical expressions used by native speakers.
The goal of this section is to teach you Different ways to respond to an apology and it can be used in many different situations. The phrases selected for this section are typical expressions used by native speakers.
The goal of this section is to teach you Different phrases for apologizing and it can be used in many different situations. The phrases selected for this section are typical expressions used by native speakers.
Signal words of simple present: every day, sometimes, always, never, often, usually, seldom, first ... then. Something happens repeatedly, With verbs like to work, to think, etc., future meaning like programs, timetables, Things in general, one action follows other
Usage of Present Progressive Tense-Something happens at the same time, For changing the situations, For expressing time at the moment of speaking